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A tool to remove embed-ability of fonts which prevents it to embed in pdf/crystal report files Usage examples:If you (as the font designer) want to PROHIBIT embedding of your font e.g. in Adobe Acrobat PDF files, simply run: ttfpatch myfont.ttf 2But remember, when you do the above, the users of your font could get the …
Encrypt ConnectionString of Web.Config
In ordre to add security, we need to encrypt connectionstring section of web.config file. As web.config is plain text file, if not encrypted, username and password used for making database connection will be exposed to any reader. Encrypting Web.Config Open Command Prompt with Administrator privileges At the Command Prompt, enter: cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 In case your …
DataTable Ajax Server Side Loading
Instead of Loading all items at once in clientside, we may require to load data partially with pagination for better loading. scenario: when we have 1000s of data in table and we are showing them without filtration Simple use Datatable Serverside Loading Changes in Controller side: For Client Side:
EF DB First -> Code First
We can auto generate Code First POCO Classes using Add Model and Code First From Existing Database Option. When we use above option we we will get our POCO classes but we may encounter few issues with them so we need to take a look back to them again for following things Once model are …
Things to take care while working with EF Code First
Code First Can be enabled for existing db or blank db Command for enabling Code First Enabled-Migrations This will generate Migration Folder and Migration Configuration File where by default automaticmigration will be false. Many people consider to change that as that will not apply pending changes to database automatically When we do have change in …
Things to take care while working with EF Code First Read More »
Change All Data Type of column from different table to new one
Things that we considered Default Constraint Nullable Renamed Default constraint name to df_tablename_column_name format declare @tData varchar(25) = ‘ decimal(14,2) ‘;–1. for cols without default constraint SELECT N’alter table ‘ + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(T.[object_id],DB_ID()) + ‘.’ + T.[name] + ‘ alter column ‘ + C.[name] + @tData + case when C.[is_nullable] = 0 then ‘ not null …
Change All Data Type of column from different table to new one Read More »
handy css classes with js function
clickLoadAjaxModal clickLoadPage [data-poload] ajaxLoad showLoading hideLoading submitForm cmdPrint CheckAll ajaxSubmit showLoading [Type: function]: this function can be called anytime before calling ajax stuffs, it will simply show loading icon in screen hideLoading [type: function]: This function can be used to close loading icon in screen once ajax process is completed cmdPrint [type: css class]:this class …
Notes for Migrating WP Site from one domain to another
for migration of cpanel of wordpress site of one domain to another -> copy files from old cpanel -> to new cpanel export db from old cpanel -> import in new cpanel for above step 2 -> create db in new server, for above step 2 -> create db user and db pass in new …
Notes for Migrating WP Site from one domain to another Read More »