c# aspt.net controller part
region url for ajax load blank form
- create async partiaviewresult action method
- load respective add form in partial view
region url for ajax submit/save
- Create async JSONResult action method
- grab/get posted data
- save them to table
- if success return json with status true and data with recently added id
- if fail return json with status false and errmsg with proper message
region url for ajax refresh combobox
- create async jsonresult action method
- get data from respective table/database
- return json with id/value field related to dropdown
JS Part
- Load Form
- call refresh/load data for dropdown from refresh url
- when clicked + button
- show popup modal box with ajax loading of add form
- when submit button of add form is clicked
- validate
- ajax submit [json
- onsuccess
- check result status
- if true then
- reload list of data in dropdown box
- mark selected to recently added one [auto selected]
- if false show error msg
- close dialog box
- on failure
- show err msg
- close dialog box